#004: Happy Birthday Pavlos and Happy Father’s Day

In this episode, we talk about Pavlos's (or is is Pavlos'?  I should probably know that shouldn't I?) birthday party and Father's Day.  It's a quick, fun episode.  And to my surprise, Pavlos called the “learning tablet” that my sister got Pavlos for his birthday with activities and “games” for him to learn letters, etc., his “cell phone.”  ARGHGH!

I'm not “against” kids and technology.  I just prefer to have it supplement face-to-face imaginative play and be a treat from time to time, rather than a primary source of entertainment and play.  I tried to talk with him about it like that on the episode, but clearly it's a cell phone with games to him….

That's not necessarily all bad, of course, as if he likes playing the “games” that actually teach him stuff then that's great.  But if he's just slinging birds at green pigs all day, I got some work to do!

Resource of the week:

Smart Kids Launch Pad – a website of free fun and learning activities from the team at Dave Ramsey’s organization where your kids can earn badges they can print and color for free or get stickers sent to them for only a small shipping fee.

Don't forget the past resources which you can find on our Resources Page!

Here's how you can listen:

Make sure to subscribe and the next episode will magically appear in your podcasts app.  That's right!  No waiting in line next to all the candy bars.  We bring the show right to you!

If you just want to listen here or download the file to your computer you can do that with this fancy little widget:

Here's the link to head over to iTunes to subscribe.

And here's the link to head over to Stitcher to subscribe.

While you're there don't forget to leave us a review. It's like a virtual high five. You know how much kids like high fives…. And it helps us get noticed to reach more parents and inspire, equip, and encourage other parents to spend some more quality time with their kids!

Thank Yous:

Thank you so much for all the reviews and ratings you have left!  Pavlos and I read them all and will be posting and saying Thank You to each of you in future episodes!

Pavlos gets so excited to see all the stars, especially when we went to the iTunes app on the computer because they're gold there….

If you haven't rated and reviewed yet, you can do that right here on iTunes and right here on Stitcher!  It helps us encourage more parents to spend some extra face-to-face time with their kids!

#003: Christmas, Birthday Parties, and How to Have a Great Week

Episode 3 (1)Check out this new episode of Five Minutes With Dad!

Here's the link to head over to iTunes to subscribe.

And here's the link to head over to Stitcher to subscribe.

While you're there don't forget to leave us a review on iTunes.  It's like a virtual high five.  You know how much kids like high fives….

Make sure to subscribe and Episode 4 will magically appear in your podcasts app Wednesday at 3:30 a.m.  That's right!  No waiting in line next to all the candy bars.  We bring the show right to you!

If you just want to listen here or download the file to your Tandy desktop computer you can do that with this fancy little widget:

About This Episode:

In this episode, you can sense my struggle in keeping the time light and fun while learning a few things I need to work on with my parenting, as I clearly haven't conveyed the true meaning of holidays like Christmas and Easter well enough, and Pavlos is locked into discussing why he didn't get all the presents he wanted.

That's a really awesome thing I've gotten from this show – listening to these conversations and learning how I can become a better dad!

Pavlos and I also chat about birthday parties, have a quick Q and A, and then Pavlos closes with step-by-step instructions on how to have a great week! 

Thank Yous:

Before we get to the resource of the week, thank you so much for all the reviews and ratings you have left!  Pavlos and I read them all and will be posting and saying Thank You to each of you in future episodes!

Pavlos gets so excited to see all the stars, especially when we went to the iTunes app on the computer because they're gold there….

If you haven't rated and reviewed yet, you can do that right here on iTunes and right here on Stitcher!  It helps us encourage more parents to spend some extra face-to-face time with their kids!

Resource of the week:

Google ChromeCast – I screwed this up on the episode, saying it's a litle plug you put in the back of your computer.  You actually plug it into the back of your TV.  It's about $35 on Amazon and there are no monthly fees.  Once you connect it to the internet (simple to do) you can stream shows or music from your phone or computer right on your TV.

We use this with the free Pandora app (or website) and play kids dance music right on our TV when it's raining on a Saturday or when we want to just have a fun dance party with the kids.  It's a great way for them (and you!) to move around and get some energy out!  So check it out!

Don't forget the past resources of the week, too:

Episode 2: Generation Grit – Generation Grit is bringing to life a collection of characters, inspiring boys to live their best adventure. Each character has an action figure, books, and accessories – all created to spark hours of reading and imaginative play.

Episode 1: Ivy Kids – Ivy Kids is a monthly educational subscription box service, started by a friend of mine, for children ages 3-8. Our goal is to make every moment with your child “quality time.” Have the tools at your fingertips to ensure your child has a solid foundation in math, literacy, and science. Help your child build confidence and be well-rounded in all disciplines to ensure future academic success. The activities in the Ivy Kits have been created by certified early childhood teachers with children of their own.

And don't forget to leave us a review over at iTunes!  It helps a lot and only takes a minute!

And here's the link for Stitcher for the non iPeople!

#002: Special Mother’s Day Episode

What toddlers think of their Mom, in their words.

What toddlers think of their Mom, in their words.In this episode, Pavlos and I chat about his mom and Mother's Day. He tells us how old he thinks his mom is, brings his sister in for a quick Mother's Day message, and reveals what he would buy his mom if he could get her anything in the world.  You have to hear his answer!

If you're talented with a pen and paper, or graphic design, and want to have some fun, share your best rendition of what Pavlos describes and I'll share it here!  Be sure to put your website on the pic if you got one so people can know where to find you!

Pavlos also shares his Happy Mother's Day song and puts me on the spot to sing one too…

How cute is his little Jersey accent?!?!  I should have named this episode the Special Mudder's Day Episode… 

If you just want to listen here or download the file to sixteen floppy disks, you can do that with this fancy little widget:

Here's the link to head over to iTunes to subscribe.

And here's the link to head over to Stitcher to subscribe.

While you're there don't forget to leave us a review on iTunes.  It's like a virtual high five.  You know how much kids like high fives….

Resource of the week:

Generation Grit – Generation Grit is bringing to life a collection of characters, inspiring boys to live their best adventure. Each character has an action figure, books, and accessories – all created to spark hours of reading and imaginative play.

Don't forget the past resources of the week, too:

Ivy Kids – Ivy Kids is a monthly educational subscription box service, started by a friend of mine, for children ages 3-8. Our goal is to make every moment with your child “quality time.” Have the tools at your fingertips to ensure your child has a solid foundation in math, literacy, and science. Help your child build confidence and be well-rounded in all disciplines to ensure future academic success. The activities in the Ivy Kits have been created by certified early childhood teachers with children of their own.

And don't forget to leave us a review over at iTunes!  It helps a lot and only takes a minute!

And here's the link for Stitcher for non iPeople!