031: What are Pavlos and Angela Thankful For?

In this episode Pavlos and Angela talk about being thankful.

Resource of the week:

Wipe-Clean™ Dot-to-Dot: Christmas – This is one of a series of books that the kids love.  Each book has connect the dots pictures or mazes and comes with a dry erase marker so the kids can do the activities, erase, and do them again. They absolutely love them.

Don't forget the past resources which you can find on our Resources Page

Here's How You Can Listen:

Make sure to subscribe and the next episode will magically appear in your podcasts app. That's right! No waiting in line next to all the candy bars. We bring the show right to you!

Here's the link to head over to iTunes to subscribe.

And here's the link to head over to Stitcher to subscribe.

While you're there don't forget to leave us a review. It's like a virtual high five. You know how much kids like high fives…. And it helps us get noticed to reach more parents and inspire, equip, and encourage other parents to spend some more quality time with their kids!

If you need step-by-step directions on how to subscribe, rate, and review in iTunes click here.

Thank you so much for all the reviews and ratings you have left! Pavlos and I read them all and will be posting and saying Thank You to each of you in future episodes! Pavlos gets so excited to see all the stars, especially when we went to the iTunes app on the computer because they're gold there….

Again, if you haven't rated and reviewed yet, you can do that right here on iTunes and right here on Stitcher! It helps us encourage more parents to spend some extra face-to-face time with their kids!

030: Happy Thanksgiving and More Show Announcement Info!

Happy Thanksgiving from Pavlos and AngelaIn this episode Pavlos and Angela talk about being thankful.

Resource of the week:

Wipe-Clean™ Dot-to-Dot: Christmas – This is one of a series of books that the kids love.  Each book has connect the dots pictures or mazes and comes with a dry erase marker so the kids can do the activities, erase, and do them again. They absolutely love them.

Don't forget the past resources which you can find on our Resources Page

Here's How You Can Listen:

Make sure to subscribe and the next episode will magically appear in your podcasts app. That's right! No waiting in line next to all the candy bars. We bring the show right to you!

Here's the link to head over to iTunes to subscribe.

And here's the link to head over to Stitcher to subscribe.

While you're there don't forget to leave us a review. It's like a virtual high five. You know how much kids like high fives…. And it helps us get noticed to reach more parents and inspire, equip, and encourage other parents to spend some more quality time with their kids!

If you need step-by-step directions on how to subscribe, rate, and review in iTunes click here.

Thank you so much for all the reviews and ratings you have left! Pavlos and I read them all and will be posting and saying Thank You to each of you in future episodes! Pavlos gets so excited to see all the stars, especially when we went to the iTunes app on the computer because they're gold there….

Again, if you haven't rated and reviewed yet, you can do that right here on iTunes and right here on Stitcher! It helps us encourage more parents to spend some extra face-to-face time with their kids!

030: Big Announcement Preview and Pavlos Visits His Baby Cousins!

In this episode we preview a big show announcement and Pavlos talks about what happened when he visited his baby cousins!

Resource of the week:

Disney Minnie A CarryAlong Play Book – This is one of Angela's favorite books.  It has lots of tabs and pullies and even a handle to carry around like a pocketbook!  🙂

Don't forget the past resources which you can find on our Resources Page

Here's How You Can Listen:

Make sure to subscribe and the next episode will magically appear in your podcasts app. That's right! No waiting in line next to all the candy bars. We bring the show right to you! If you just want to listen here or download the file to your computer you can do that with this fancy little widget:

Here's the link to head over to iTunes to subscribe.

And here's the link to head over to Stitcher to subscribe.

While you're there don't forget to leave us a review. It's like a virtual high five. You know how much kids like high fives…. And it helps us get noticed to reach more parents and inspire, equip, and encourage other parents to spend some more quality time with their kids!

If you need step-by-step directions on how to subscribe, rate, and review in iTunes click here.

Thank you so much for all the reviews and ratings you have left! Pavlos and I read them all and will be posting and saying Thank You to each of you in future episodes! Pavlos gets so excited to see all the stars, especially when we went to the iTunes app on the computer because they're gold there….

Again, if you haven't rated and reviewed yet, you can do that right here on iTunes and right here on Stitcher! It helps us encourage more parents to spend some extra face-to-face time with their kids!