74: A six-year-old Entrepreneur’s BIG Announcement!

Pavlos and Nick talk about writing books!

In this episode Pavlos, a child entrepreneur and all-around awesome guy, announces a writing project he's working on in school that he and Nick are going to work together to help Pavlos get a few steps closer to buying his flying car!  🙂

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Resource of the Week:

This week's resource is the perfect book with which to end February Valentines Day and Self and Spouse Improvement month!  And it is a perfect book to recommend on the extra day we get this Leap Year! You may have guessed it. This weeks' resource is a book called The Big Leap. This is really a great book that I read twice. If you haven't, pick it up today. You definitely have to check it out!

If you are not yet an audible member you can get it for FREE with a free 30-day trial from our sponsor, Audible. I read it on audible the first time. You can even keep the book if you cancel during the 30-day period. Find all resources on our Resources Page.


This episode is brought to you by Audible.com where you can get the best audio books sent straight to your phone.

If you are new to audible and go through that link you can get a free 30-day trial and a free audiobook that you can keep even if you cancel during the trial period.

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73: A 6-year-old sharing his “areas of expertise”

Pavlos talks about being an expert

In this episode, Nick and Pavlos talk about the areas in which Pavlos is an expert….

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Resource of the Week:

This week's resource is a book that I read last year called Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown. Essentialism is a book that helps you focus on doing less, better. It helps you get the right things done.

Find all resources on our Resources Page.


This episode is brought to you by Audible.com where you can get the best audio books sent straight to your phone.

If you are new to audible and go through that link you can get a free 30-day trial and a free audiobook that you can keep even if you cancel during the trial period.

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72: Two toddlers talk about being thankful

Nick, Pavlos, and Angela give thanks

In this episode, Angela, Pavlos and Nick talk about things that they are thankful for… You'll never guess the cuteness that comes from two toddlers thinking about being thankful.

Listen here: 

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Resource of the Week:

This week's resource is a book that I read last year. It's a very popular book that many of you have probably already read, called Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. If you have read it already, I encourage you to read it again. If you haven't, pick it up today. You definitely have to check it out!

If you are not yet an audible member you can get it for FREE with a free 30-day trial from our sponsor, Audible. I read it on audible the first time. You can even keep the book if you cancel during the 30-day period.

Find all resources on our Resources Page.


This episode is brought to you by Audible.com where you can get the best audio books sent straight to your phone.

If you are new to audible and go through that link you can get a free 30-day trial and a free audiobook that you can keep even if you cancel during the trial period.

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