Here’s how to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast in iTunes!

Subscribing to the Podcast in iTunes is easy!

1. Go to

2. If it doesn't open up the iTunes program on your computer click on the blue “View in iTunes” button. (If it does, skip to step 3.)

View in iTunes

3. Click Subscribe.


4. Confirm Your Subscription.

Confirm Your Subscription

And that's it!  You're subscribed!

Rating and Reviewing is just as easy!

1. In iTunes click Ratings and Reviews

Ratings and Reviews

2. Click Write a Review

Write a Review

3. Enter a Title, Select the Number of STARS!!!!!, write the review and click Submit!


That's it!  Once you go through these steps you have officially done a TON to help support the show and inspire, encourage, equip other parents to spend some extra quality time with their kids!  The next generation thanks you!

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